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Admin.Frank Mugogo 7835


1. This invitation for Expressions of Interest follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) which appeared in Daily Newspaper of 31st August, 2015, REA website ( and PPRA Journal ISSN: 1821-6021 Vol. VIII-No.33 of 18th August, 2015

2. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operation of the Rural Energy Agency during the Financial Year 2015/16. It is intended that some of the funds will be used to cover eligible payments under the contract for Individual Consultancy Services to Provide Engineering Assessment Studies For SPPs and Individual Consultancy Services for Design and Supervision of Construction of a Fence at Plot No. 359 And 358, Block No.7 Located at Ukuni –Bagamoyo District

3. The Rural Energy Agency now invites eligible “individual consultants” to indicate their interest in carrying out the assignments.
4. Interested individual consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services by submitting updated CV’s, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions and relevant skills.
5. Interested individuals are requested to submit written expression of interest, one original plus three (3) of detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Financial Proposal in writing by 21st June, 2016 at 1200 hours local time. The Detailed CV and Financial Proposal shall each be enclosed in a separate envelope and marked “Detailed CV” and “Financial Proposal” respectively. The two envelopes shall then be enclosed in a single envelope and marked the description of respective tender and submitted to the following address: Secretary of the Tender Board, Rural Energy Agency, Mawasiliano Towers 2nd Floor, Room No. 214, 20 Sam Nujoma Road, 14414 Dar es Salaam.

6. A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the Public Procurement Act No. 7 of 2011 and the Public Procurement Regulations, 2013 – Government Notice No. 446.

7. The opening of CVs shall take place immediately after the deadline for submission, at the 12th Floor, Room No. 1201, Mawasiliano Towers Sam Nujoma Road. Applying individual consultants are invited to attend the opening ceremony.

8. Interested eligible consultants may obtain further information from the office of the Secretary of the Tender Board, Rural Energy Agency, Mawasiliano Towers 2nd Floor, Room No. 214, 20 Sam Nujoma Road, 14414 Dar es Salaam during working days from Monday to Friday inclusive except on public holidays.

9. CV’s shall be evaluated on the basis of the criteria shown in the Terms of Reference. Only individual Consultants scoring 70% or above shall be engaged (depending on their availability) to carry out the assignments.

10. Prospective Individual Consultants are required to collect the Terms of Reference from the Secretary, Tender Board whose address is indicated on paragraph 8 above during working days (Monday to Friday) between 0900-1500 hours.

11. Any request for clarification with regard to this assignment shall be addressed to the undersigned. The Client shall respond to clarifications received not less than one week before the deadline for submission.

12. Late Expressions of Interest shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.

Director General
Rural Energy Agency (REA)
Mawasiliano Towers, 2nd Floor
Sam Nujoma Road
P. O. Box 7990
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Tel: +255 22 2412001, +255 22 2412002, +255 22 2412003
Fax: +255 22 2412007


«March 2025»
Arusha Wavutiwa na Bidhaa za Nishati Safi ya Kupikia

Arusha Wavutiwa na Bidhaa za Nishati Safi ya Kupikia

Wananchi Jijini Arusha wamevutiwa na bidhaa mbalimbali za Nishati Safi ya Kupikia na wameipongeza Serikali kwa kuona umuhimu wa kufikisha bidhaa hizo katika Maonesho yanayoendelea mkoani humo kuelekea Siku ya Wanawake Duniani.

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Watumishi Wanawake REA Washiriki Maadhimisho ya Siku ya Wanawake Duniani Jijini Arusha

Watumishi Wanawake REA Washiriki Maadhimisho ya Siku ya Wanawake Duniani Jijini Arusha

Watumishi Wanawake wa Wakala wa Nishati Vijijini (REA) wameshiriki katika Maadhimisho ya Siku ya Wanawake Duniani yaliyofanyika Kitaifa Jijini Arusha Machi 8, 2025.

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Kamati ya Kudumu ya Bunge ya Nishati na Madini Yahitimisha Ziara ya Ukaguzi wa Miradi ya Umeme Mkoani Njombe

Kamati ya Kudumu ya Bunge ya Nishati na Madini Yahitimisha Ziara ya Ukaguzi wa Miradi ya Umeme Mkoani Njombe

Kamati ya Kudumu ya Bunge ya Nishati na Madini imekamilisha ziara yake ya siku tatu mkoani Njombe kwa kukagua utekelezaji wa miradi ya Nishati Vijijini (REA) inayotekelezwa na serikali kupitia Wakala wa Nishati Vijijini (REA) kwa kushirikiana na Shirika la Umeme Tanzania (TANESCO). Kwa upande wa REA ziara hiyo imehitimishwa katika kijiji cha Welela, Jimbo la Lupembe, ambapo kamati hiyo imepongeza juhudi zinazofanywa na Serikali kuhakikisha umeme unawafikia wananchi wa vijijini kwa kasi inayostahili.

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Contact Us

General Information:
Director General:
Procurement (PMU):

Mailing Address

Director General
Rural Energy Agency - REA
REA Building
28 Medeli Street
P. O. Box 2153
Dodoma, Tanzania

Phone & Fax

Tel: +255 26 2323504, +255 26 2323506
+255 26 2323507
Fax: +255 26 2323507

Time Zone

Please note that we are based in Tanzania, Time zone (GMT+03:00). Although we may not be in office at times convenient for all international enquiries, we do monitor our e-mail outside normal office hours.

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