Friday, January 3, 2020 Admin.Frank Mugogo 6890 Announcements, Tenders REA's Environmental and Social Procedural Manual (ESPM) This Environmental and Social Procedural Manual (ESPM) for the Rural Energy Agency (REA) provides the procedures for integrating environmental and social considerations into the planning process and implementation of rural energy projects and programmes. The Manual replaces all Environmental and Social Safeguards Operational Guidelines previously used by the Agency. Tags Announcements Business Share Print Documents to download Environmental and Social Procedural Manual (ESPM) for REA(.pdf, 627.13 KB) - 1040 download(s) Switch article TAARIFA KWA UMMA KUHUSU UTAFITI WA HALI YA UPATIKANAJI NA MATUMIZI YA NISHATI YA UMEME TANZANIA BARA KWA MWAKA 2019-2020 Previous Article EOI - CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR DESIGN OF REA OFFICE BUILDING Next Article