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Admin.Frank Mugogo 9406


1. This invitation for prequalification follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) which appeared in Daily Newspaper of 31st August, 2015, REA website ( and PPRA Journal ISSN: 1821-6021 Vol. VIII-No.33 of 18th August, 2015;

2. The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operation of the Rural Energy Agency during the Financial Year 2015/16. It is intended that some of the funds will be used to cover eligible payments under the contract for Supply and Installation of ICT Equipment for Improvement of Main Data Centre;

3. The Rural Energy Agency now invites sealed Tenders from eligible Suppliers for Supply and Installation of ICT Equipment for Improvement of Main Data Centre. The Tender is divided into three lots, bidders may bid for either of the lots:

      Lot 1: Basic equipment for Phase one Implementation of Off-Site Systems Backup

      Lot 2: Equipment for Consolidation of Off-Site Systems Backup Centre Including Main Data Centre

      Lot 3: Software and Licenses

4. Tendering will be conducted through the National Competitive Procedures specified in the Public Procurement Regulations and is open to all Tenderers as defined in the Regulations.

5. Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information and inspect the Tendering Documents at the office of the Procurement Management Unit 2nd floor Room No 214, Rural Energy Agency (REA), Mawasiliano Towers, 20 Sam Nujoma Road, 14414, Dar es Salaam, P.O. Box 7990, Dar es Salaam Tel 0 22 2412001-3, Fax +0 22 2412007 and Email from 08:00 to 15:00 hours local time, on Monday to Friday inclusive except on public holidays.

6. Bidders are encouraged to attend the pre-bid meeting which will be held on Thursday 16th, February, 2016 at 12:00 hrs at the Rural Energy Agency, Mawasiliano Towers, 20 Sam Nujoma Road, 14414 Dar es Salaam, and 12th Floor, in Conference Room. The minutes of the pre-bid meeting will be shared with all bidders who will have purchased the Bidding Documents. The attendance at the pre-bid meeting shall be at Bidders’ expense.

7. A complete set of Tendering Documents in English language and additional sets may be purchased by interested Tenderers on submission of a written application to the address given under paragraph 5 above and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of fifty (50) US$ or Tanzanian Shillings One Hundred Thousand (Tshs. 100,000). The method of payment shall be bank transfer to the Rural Energy Agency CRDB Bank Account No 01J1029697400 (for TSHS) and No 02J1029697400 (for US$), respectively.

All Tenders must be accompanied by a Tender Security in an acceptable form and should be valid for 148 days beyond the deadline for submission of bids. The bid security required per lot is as provided below:

       Lot 1: Bid Security of TZS 7,900,800.00

       Lot 2: Bid Security of TZS 4,600,300.00

       Lot 3: Bid Security of TZS 6,900,000.00


8. All Tenders in one original plus three (3) copies, properly filled in, and enclosed in plain envelopes must be delivered to the address given under paragraph 5 above at or before 1200 hrs on Thursday 3rd , March, 2016 at 12:00. Tenders will be opened promptly thereafter in public and in the presence of Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend in the opening at Mawasiliano Towers, 20 Sam Nujoma Road, 14414, Dar es Salaam, 12th Floor, Conference Room No. 1201. The bid security shall remain valid for a period of 28 days beyond validity period of the bid that is 148 days after the submission date.

9. Late Tenders, portions of Tenders, electronic Tenders, Tenders not received, Tenders not opened, and not read out in public at the Tender opening ceremony shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.


Director General

Rural Energy Agency (REA)

Mawasiliano Towers, 2nd Floor

Sam Nujoma Road

P. O. Box 7990

Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Tel: +255 22 2412001, +255 22 2412002, +255 22 2412003

Fax: +255 22 2412007


«January 2025»
Mradi wa Majiko ya Gesi ya Ruzuku Wapokelewa Lindi

Mradi wa Majiko ya Gesi ya Ruzuku Wapokelewa Lindi

Wakala wa Nishati Vijijini (REA) umeingia mkataba na mtoa huduma Kampuni ya Taifa Gas Limited kwa ajili ya kutekeleza mradi wa shilingi milioni 317.3 wa kusambaza majiko ya gesi 16,275 (LPG) ya kilo sita kwa bei ya ruzuku ya 50% sawa na shilingi 19,500 kwa jiko katika maeneo ya vijijini Mkoani Lindi.

Read more


Contact Us

General Information:
Director General:
Procurement (PMU):

Mailing Address

Director General
Rural Energy Agency - REA
REA Building
28 Medeli Street
P. O. Box 2153
Dodoma, Tanzania

Phone & Fax

Tel: +255 26 2323504, +255 26 2323506
+255 26 2323507
Fax: +255 26 2323507

Time Zone

Please note that we are based in Tanzania, Time zone (GMT+03:00). Although we may not be in office at times convenient for all international enquiries, we do monitor our e-mail outside normal office hours.

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