Tuesday, February 5, 2019 Admin.Frank Mugogo 7128 News, Announcements, Tenders Report for Evaluation of REA Funded Projects The Rural Energy Agency has been implementing various energy projects in Tanzania since its inception in 2007. A team of consultants carried out evaluation of REA projects by travelling to all the project sites and conducted interviews under evaluation, observations and verification of the outcomes and impacts of more than 42 energy projects implemented and completed during this time by the Agency.The broad project categories implemented under REA ranged from grid and off grid extensions for electrification of rural areas, solar packages, energy efficiency, technical assistance and capacity building to project developers. This evaluation report presents the outcomes and impacts of the REA-funded projects in Tanzania and seeks to document achievements, failures, challenges as well as lessons for improving its future performance in reaching more people in rural areas. Tags Announcements Business News Share Print Documents to download REPORT FOR EVALUATION OF REA FUNDED PROJECTS(.pdf, 1.83 MB) - 6243 download(s) Switch article Application Form for Renewable Energy Project Development Facility (REPDF) Previous Article UTEUZI WA WAJUMBE WA BODI MPYA YA NISHATI VIJIJINI (REB) Next Article