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Provision of efficient energy services to rural areas in Tanzania, where the vast majority of the population live, is an important undertaking by the Government to improve living conditions, stimulate economic growth and reduce poverty. As part of the restructuring of the energy sector and the implementation of the 2003 National Energy Policy, a Rural Energy Agency (REA) and a Rural Energy Fund (REF) were established in 2007 with the primary function to promote increased access to modern energy services by financing investment costs to projects in rural areas.

In 2010, a Specific Agreement between Sweden and the United Republic of Tanzania on Financing Support to the Rural Energy Fund (REF) was signed, covering Swedish support to the REF during the period 2010-2013, with an amount of SEK 200 million. In parallel to this support, Sweden has been financing the Capacity Development of the REA during the period 2009-2013, at a budget of SEK 14 million.

Mid-Term Reviews (MTR) were carried out in 2011 for the Capacity Development Support and in 2012 for the Financing Support to REF, respectively. In preparation for Norwegian financing to the REF, agreed in March 2013, an appraisal was also carried out in 2012. Both reports carried out in 2012 note some inconsistency in the goal hierarchy and inadequate of indicators and targets to prioritise the use of REF funds and properly measure performance.

These Terms of Reference cover consulting services to review and ensure coherence and logical links of REA’s objectives on all levels, as well as indicators and targets for performance measurement in relation to outputs, outcomes and impacts. Once revised, these need to be linked to the Monitoring and Evaluation System to establish a uniform Result Based Management (RBM) System.


Following the formulation of the National Energy Policy in 2003, and the enactment of the Rural Energy Act in 2005, the Rural Energy Board (REB), Rural Energy Agency (REA) and Rural Energy Fund (REF) were established in 2007. REA is the executive body and Secretariat to the REB. The Fund is the mechanism by which the Board shall fulfill its mandate to provide grants and technical support to projects that are developed by private and public entities, co-operatives, and local community organisations.

According to the Act, the objective of the Board is to “promote rural socio-economic development by facilitating extended access to modern energy services for the productive economic uses, health and education, clean water, civil security and domestic applications.” The objective of the Agency is to “(a) implement the Board’s strategies and decisions in fulfilling the mandate of the Board; and (b) facilitate provision of technical assistance, research and development, training and other forms of capacity building…”

Currently the objectives for REA are also stated in the Agency’s various steering documents, such as Strategic Targets, Strategic Plan, Annual Work Plans and Monitoring and Evaluation Framework.

Objectives for the Swedish support to the REF are formulated in the Specific Agreement, the Programme Document and its LFA matrix.

REA’s Proposal Document formulated as a basis for requesting financing from Norway for the REF also contain a set of objectives and expected results.

While the GoT national policies developed over time, influence REA’s operational objectives, there is a need to establish a uniform RBM system with indicators and targets that are based on a coherent set of objectives that reflect how funds channelled through REF will be used and reported on. The results chain is currently not sufficiently strong and the linkages between goals-objectives-outputs-outcomes-impact need to be clear. In addition, objectives need to be aligned between different documents.


The objective of the consulting services is to formulate a coherent, uniform and logical goal hierarchy with clear indicators and targets for the REF.


It is envisaged that the assignment shall comprise, but not necessarily be limited to, the following activities:

4.1. Review relevant comments and recommendations in the Swedish Rural Energy Fund Mid-Term Review Reports and Norwegian Appraisal Report.

4.2. Review all key REA and REF documents and reports and map formulations of goals, objectives and targets at all levels, as well as reporting parameters, with the Rural Energy Act as main reference.

4.3. Identify any gaps, missing links or lack of logic in the results chain in the different documents, as well as in the M&E system.

4.4. Interview and discuss how REA views its goals, results and objectives today.

4.5. In consultation with REB and the REA Management team, in a participatory seminar/workshop setting (divided in a minimum of four sessions), do the following:-

4.5.1. Introduce the RBM concept including its benefits and potential for planning, monitoring and evaluation.

4.5.2. Establish a uniform, logic and coherent goal hierarchy, with realistic results as the starting point (Session 1 and 2).

4.5.3. Formulate indicators (quantitative and qualitative) to measure performance at all result levels, taking into account reporting requirements of financiers as well as means and resources to collect data to verify results; and (Session 3)

4.5.4. Establish realistic targets for all indicators (Session 4)

4.6. Document the established goal hierarchy (result chain), indicators and targets.

4.7. Propose adjustments in key steering documents to uniformly reflect the goal hierarchy/ results chain if necessary.

4.8. Propose revision of contracts and agreements with collaborating partners, project developers and contractors to capture the results chain and required data collection for results reporting, as required.

4.9. Suggest adjustments in the M&E framework and database in order to fully capture all indicators.

4.10. Internalize the process by presenting how the developed results chain, indicators and targets relate to the RBM system concept, including how to use RBM as a planning and decision making tool.

4.11. Present and submit written reporting of the outcome of the assignment.


The assignment shall comprise review of all relevant documents, discussions with REA Management and REB representatives and carrying out at least four participatory seminars, presentations and reporting.


The consultant should have the following competence profile:

6.1. Relevant academic degree and a minimum of 6 year’s professional experience in project management.

6.2. Documented experience of analysing and formulating result-chains and indicators

6.3. Experience of LFA, RBM and Monitoring and Evaluation systems.

The Consultant should have the ability to cooperate in a flexible and process-oriented fashion, and be able to communicate effectively in the English language. A high proficiency in written English is required.


The consultant should have the following competence profile:

7.1. Timing

7.2. It is anticipated that the assignment will take a Maximum of (4) weeks from the signing of the contract.

7.3. Deliverables

7.4. The Consultant shall produce the following deliverables:

7.4.1. An agreed and accepted, uniform, logic goal hierarchy.

7.4.2. Indicators and targets linked to the goal hierarchy that reflects how REF funds are used and projects are prioritized.

7.4.3. Proposed amendments/revisions in agreements and contracts to capture results verification.

7.4.4. Proposed adjustments in the M&E framework and database structure.

The outcome of the assignment shall be documented in a Draft Report. Within two weeks after comments have been provided, a Final report shall be submitted.


As a basis for performing the assignment, REA will provide the following documents:

8.1. 2003 National Energy Policy.

8.2. 2005 Rural Energy Act.

8.3. REA Operational Manual, Procurement Guidelines, Financial and Accounting Manual.

8.4. REA Strategic Plan 2009/2010-2011/2012.

8.5. REA Annual Business Plans.

8.6. REA M&E Framework.

8.7. REA’s Annual Progress Reports.

8.8. REA’s Quarterly Reports to REB.

8.9. Trust Agent Reports.

8.10. Mid Term Review of Swedish Financing to REF (Orgut Consulting AB, Sweden; Final report, December 2012).

8.11. Appraisal of Report to Rural Energy Fund of Tanzania (NORPLAN, Final Report, November 2012).


9.1. There shall be a formal agreement between REA and the individual Consultants.

9.2. Duration of the contract will be (4) four weeks.


Consultant’s remuneration and terms of payment will follow the rates agreed upon in the contract negotiation.

Director General
Rural Energy Agency (REA)
Mawasiliano Towers, 2nd Floor
Sam Nujoma Road
P. O. Box 7990
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Tel: +255 22 2412001, +255 22 2412002, +255 22 2412003
Fax: +255 22 2412007



Documents to download

«February 2025»
Mkutano wa Nishati Afrika (M300) Kuchochea Maendeleo ya Afrika

Mkutano wa Nishati Afrika (M300) Kuchochea Maendeleo ya Afrika

Naibu Waziri Mkuu na Waziri wa Nishati, Mhe. Dkt. Doto Biteko amesema Mkutano wa Nishati wa Wakuu wa Nchi za Afrika - Misheni 300 ni kichocheo cha maendeleo ya nchi za Afrika na kichocheo cha utekelezaji wa Sera yake ya Taifa ya Nishati inayolenga kuendeleza nishati endelevu, uhifadhi na ufanisi.

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Contact Us

General Information:
Director General:
Procurement (PMU):

Mailing Address

Director General
Rural Energy Agency - REA
REA Building
28 Medeli Street
P. O. Box 2153
Dodoma, Tanzania

Phone & Fax

Tel: +255 26 2323504, +255 26 2323506
+255 26 2323507
Fax: +255 26 2323507

Time Zone

Please note that we are based in Tanzania, Time zone (GMT+03:00). Although we may not be in office at times convenient for all international enquiries, we do monitor our e-mail outside normal office hours.

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