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Invitation for Application to Supply 5,000 Domestic Improved Cook-stoves (ICS)
Frank A. Mugogo 492

Invitation for Application to Supply 5,000 Domestic Improved Cook-stoves (ICS)

Rural Energy Agency (REA) is an autonomous body under the Ministry of Energy of the United Republic of Tanzania. Its main role is to promote and facilitate improved access to modern energy services in rural areas of Mainland Tanzania.

The Agency (REA) has set aside funds for purchasing Improved Cookstoves (ICSs) as the Agency’s contribution for Women’s Clean Cooking Conference which is organised by the Ministry of Energy. The Conference is expected to be held on 8th March 2024. The financing will be used to purchase 5000 clean cookstoves from eligible Clean Cookstove Manufacturers/Distributors.
REA invites Manufacturers/Distributors of Improved Cookstoves to apply for supplying 5,000 Improved Cookstoves for Women’s Clean Cooking Conference to be held on 8th March 2024. The delivery of the ICS will be on 6-7th March 2024 in Dodoma at the place that will be communicated later.

In the attached application form, please fill the tables for Qualification Criteria; Business Information; and attach all necessary requirement as instructed including photos for the improved cook stoves.

Additionally, the stove shall have good finish without burrs (rough or sharp edges) or rust outside.

Manufacturers/Distributors shall be required to submit test reports of their improved cook stoves from any recognized laboratory/testing facilities around the globe that show satisfaction of the above performance indicators.

Clarifications and further information may be obtained from the Rural Energy Agency by sending an e-mail to 

Director General
Rural Energy Agency
PSSSF Building, 7th Floor
Makole Road
P. O. Box 2153
Dodoma, Tanzania.



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«March 2025»
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Contact Us

General Information:
Director General:
Procurement (PMU):

Mailing Address

Director General
Rural Energy Agency - REA
REA Building
28 Medeli Street
P. O. Box 2153
Dodoma, Tanzania

Phone & Fax

Tel: +255 26 2323504, +255 26 2323506
+255 26 2323507
Fax: +255 26 2323507

Time Zone

Please note that we are based in Tanzania, Time zone (GMT+03:00). Although we may not be in office at times convenient for all international enquiries, we do monitor our e-mail outside normal office hours.

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