April 3 Tenders TENDER № AE/HQ/008/2013-14/HQ/C/28: TRAINING ON RENEWABLE ENERGY AND BUSINESS PLANS PREPARATION Business The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operation of the Rural Energy Agency during the financial year 2013/14. It is intended that part of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract for the Consultancy Services for Training on Renewable Energy Technologies and Business Plans Preparation to Prospective Energy Project Developers.
January 15 Announcements TANGAZO: MWALIKO WA KUHUDHURIA MAFUNZO YANAYOHUSU KUENDELEZA TEKNOLOJIA ZA NISHATI JADIDIFU VIJIJINI Wakala wa Nishati Vijijini (REA) katika kipindi cha Mwaka wa Fedha 2013/2014 umepanga kutoa mafunzo ya hadi wiki mbili kwa mafundi na waendelezaji wa vyanzo vya umeme unaofuliwa kutokana na nishati jadidifu.
December 17 Reports ORODHA YA MIRADI INAYOTEKELEZWA NA TAARIFA ZA WAKANDARASI Announcements, Reports Mradi Kabambe wa Kusambaza Umeme Vijijini – Awamu ya Kwanza. Miradi Mingine inayotekelezwa na Wakandarasi. Mradi Kabambe wa Kusambaza Umeme Vijijini – Awamu ya Pili.
October 2 News LINDI NA MTWARA WAPATA MIJI WASHIRIKA KUTOKA NORWAY Waziri wa Nishati na madini, Profesa Sospeter Muhongo na viongozi wa miji miwili ya Hammerfest na Sandnessjoen iliyoko nchini Norway wamekubaliana kuanzisha ushirikiano baina ya miji hiyo na ile ya Lindi na Mtwara. Uamuzi huo umefikiwa katika mkutano baina ya viongozi wa miji hiyo na ujumbe wa wizara ya nishati na madini nchini Norway ambapo wamekubaliana kukutana mwezi ujao kuweka mikakati ya ushirikiano huo.
August 27 Tenders ADDENDUM № 1 TO BIDDING DOCUMENTS FOR SSMP ICB №: AE/008/2012-13/HQ/G/74 Addendum № 1 to Bidding Documents for SSMP ICB №: AE/008/2012-13/HQ/G/74
August 16 Tenders TENDER № AE/008/2013-14/HQ/G/15 Business The Rural Energy Board has set aside resources from the Rural Energy Fund, (REF) for provision of grants towards capital costs of projects during the Financial Year 2013/14. It is intended that part of the resources will be used to cover eligible payments under the contract for Supply and Installation of Medium Voltage Lines, Transformers and Connection of Customers in un-electrified District Headquarters and other Rural Areas in Tanzania Mainland on Turnkey Basis.
August 11 News JAPANI YAVUTIWA NA FURSA ZA UWEKEZAJI NCHINI Serikali ya Japani imekiri kuvutiwa na kuhamasishwa na fursa za uwekezaji zilizopo hapa nchini hususan katika sekta ya nishati na imeonesha nia ya kuwekeza katika sekta hiyo. Waziri wa Uchumi, Biashara na Viwanda wa Japan Mhe. Toshimitsu Motegi aliyasema hayo hivi karibuni alipofanya mazungumzo na Waziri wa Nishati na Madini, Mhe. Prof. Sospeter Muhongo ofisini kwake jijini Dar es Salaaam.
July 31 News PRESIDENT OBAMA TOURS SYMBION; URGES SPEED ON POWER PROJECTS United States President, Barack Obama has urged the Tanzanian government to ensure effective implementation of the electricity projects under the multi-billion dollar ‘Power Africa project’, financed by the US. President Obama made the statement during a brief visit to the Symbion Power Plant in Ubungo, Dar es Salaam early July, this year, where he launched the project.