February 9 Press Releases UTEKELEZAJI WA MRADI KABAMBE WA KUSAMBAZA UMEME VIJIJINI AWAMU YA TATU (TURNKEY III) WAANZA Serikali kupitia Wakala wa Nishati Vijijini (REA), imeanza utekelezaji wa Mradi Kabambe wa Awamu ya Tatu utakaojumuisha vijiji 7,873 katika wilaya na mikoa yote ya Tanzania Bara. Kati ya vijiji hivyo, vijiji 7,697 vitapelekewa umeme wa gridi na vijiji 176 umeme wa nje ya gridi (off-grid).
January 26 Announcements GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE FOR RENEWABLE ENERGY INVENTORY FACILITY Announcements, Business The United Republic of Tanzania has received a grant from the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) administrated by the African Development Bank to finance the establishment of the Renewable Energy Investment Facility.
December 21 Announcements APPOINTMENT OF ENG. BONIFACE GISSIMA NYAMO-HANGA AS THE DIRECTOR GENERAL OF THE RURAL ENERGY AGENCY (REA) Announcements, News The Rural Energy Board, at its Board Meeting held on 17th December 2016, and pursuant to Section 25 of the Rural Energy Act, 2005 has appointed Eng. Boniface Gissima Nyamo-Hanga to the position of the Director General of the Rural Energy Agency (REA) and Chief Executive Officer of the Rural Energy Fund (REF).
November 23 Tenders TENDER FOR SUPPLY OF EIGHT SETS OF VERIFICATION EQUIPMENT FOR SOLAR MARKET SERVICES PACKAGES Business The Rural Energy Agency (REA) invites sealed bids from eligible suppliers to Supply Eight Sets of Verification Equipment for Solar Market Services Packages.
November 16 Tenders EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FOR PROVISION OF VARIOUS INDIVIDUAL CONSULTING SERVICES Announcements, Business, News The Rural Energy Agency invites eligible “individual consultants” to indicate their interest in carrying out the assignments for provision of various individual consulting services.
October 26 Tenders EXPRESSION OF INTEREST - CONSULTING SERVICES FOR REA’S “OFF-GRID” RENEWABLE ENERGY RURAL ELECTRIFICATION PROGRAMS Announcements, Business, News The Rural Energy Agency now invites eligible consulting firms to express interests in providing the Technical Assistance (TA) to implement “off-grid” renewable energy (RE) rural electrification programs.
October 10 Reports REA Annual Report for the Financial Year ended June 30th, 2015 Reports The Annual Report for 2014/15 Rural Energy Agency provides the status of progress and milestones of rural energy activities that were planned for the Financial Year 2014/15.
August 25 Tenders PUBLIC NOTICE: EXTENSION OF DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION PREQUALIFICATION DOCUMENTS FOR TENDER NO: AE/008/2016-17/HQ/G/9, 10 & 11 Announcements, Business, News This is to inform all interested firms in this Tender and the general public that the deadline for submission of Applications for Prequalification for the aforementioned tender has been extended from 30th August, 2016 to 14th September at 1200 hours.