January 7 Press Releases TAARIFA KWA VYOMBO VYA HABARI: UTEKELEZAJI WA MIRADI YA KUSAMBAZA UMEME VIJIJINI Announcements Press Releases Serikali kupitia Wakala na Mfuko wa Nishati Vijijini (REA/REF) inafadhili miradi ya kusambaza umeme vijijini katika mikoa yote ya Tanzania Bara. Miradi ya Awamu ya Pili ya Usambazaji Umeme Vijijini inatekelezwa na wakandarasi kutoka sekta binafsi ambao uhusika na ujenzi wa miundombinu.
January 5 Announcements EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: DIRECTOR GENERAL RE-ADVERTISED) REA is inviting applications form dynamic, energetic and proactive Tanzanians with appropriate prerequisite qualifications, technical skills, competences and experience to fill the vacant position.
January 5 Announcements EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY: DIRECTOR OF HUMAN RESOURCE AND ADMINISTRATION (RE-ADVERTISED) REA is inviting applications form dynamic, energetic and proactive Tanzanians with appropriate prerequisite qualifications, technical skills, competences and experience to fill the vacant position.
December 22 Press Releases JOINT PRESS RELEASE BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENTS OF TANZANIA, SWEDEN AND THE UNITED KINGDOM The Government of United Republic of Tanzania and Sweden through Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) in Collaboration with the UK Government, through its Department for International Development – DFID, signed a Specific Agreement in which the Swedish and UK Governments will finance the development of rural energy modern services through the Rural Energy Fund (REF) which is managed by the Rural Energy Board (REB).
October 20 Reports REA ANNUAL REPORT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30TH, 2014 Reports On behalf of the Rural Energy Board, I have a pleasure to present the Annual Report for the financial year 2013/14. The report covers the performance of the implementation of the rural energy projects, audited financial statements, challenges faced by the Agency as well as way forward. It is our duty to continue to inform all our esteemed stakeholders about our operations in this 7th year since establishment of the Agency. As establishing made clear depict, REA is a statutory body, entrusted to promote and facilitate access to modern energy services in rural areas of Mainland Tanzania.
October 3 Tenders TENDER №: AE/008/2015-16/HQ/C/21: CONSULTING SERVICES FOR PREPARATION OF RURAL ELECTRIFICATION MASTER PLAN Business The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operation of the Rural Energy Agency during the Financial Year 2015/16. It is intended that some of the funds will be used to cover eligible payments under the contract for Consulting Services for Preparation of Rural Electrification Master Plan.
October 3 Tenders TENDER №: AE/008/2015-16/HQ/C/3: DETAILED DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF TURNKEY PHASE III Business The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operation of the Rural Energy Agency during the Financial Year 2015/16. It is intended that some of the funds will be used to cover eligible payments under the contract for Provision of Consulting Services for Detailed Survey, Detailed design, Preparation of Bidding Documents and Construction Supervision of Medium Voltage (MV) Lines , Distribution Substations, & Low Voltage Lines and Customer Connections in all Regions of Mainland Tanzania under Turnkey Phase III.
August 14 Tenders GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE (GPN) FOR 2015/2016 FINANCIAL YEAR Announcements, Business The Rural Energy Agency is now issuing the General Procurement Notice in accordance with the requirements of Public Procurement Act 2011 and its Regulations, 2013 for the purpose of informing Bidders, Suppliers, Service Providers and General Public on tender opportunities during Financial Year 2015/2016 as shown in the documents attached.