August 7 News MEM NEWS BULLETTIN: REA YATAKA USHIRIKIANO TAASISI ZA KIFEDHA, SEKTA BINAFSI "Serikali peke yake haiwezi kufanya kazi hiyo tunahitaji kushirikiana na Sekta Binafsi, Taasisi za Kifedha na Washirika wa Maendeleo. Uhakika wa umeme utawezesha wananchi wengi zaidi kujiingiza katika shughuli za kiuchumi” Dkt. Lutengano Mwakahesya
March 23 Announcements EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES The Rural Energy Agency (REA) is a Government institution established under the Rural Energy Act, 2005. Its main role is to promote and facilitate access to modern energy services in rural areas of Mainland Tanzania. The Agency is inviting applications from dynamic, energetic and proactive Tanzanians with appropriate technical skills and experience to fill the following vacant positions:
March 11 Announcements CHINA SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES FOR 2015 Applications are invited from qualified Tanzanians to apply for postgraduate studies in the one of China’s best Oil and Gas Studies, the China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). Sponsorship will be in the fields of oil and gas. The scholarships will be processed in collaboration with the Embassy of China in Tanzania and will be awarded to the best twenty two (22) candidates.
December 9 Tenders TENDER №: AE/008/2014- 15/HQ/C/48: DESIGN, PREPARATION OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS AND CONSTRUCTION SUPERVISION OF REA OFFICE The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operation of the Rural Energy Agency (REA) during the financial year 2014/15. It is intended that part of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract for Provision of Consulting Services for Conceptual Design, Detailed Design, Preparation of Bidding Documents and Construction Supervision of REA Office Building at Plot NO. 186165/40 Sea View Upanga.
August 5 Announcements MAFUNZO YA KUENDELEZA TEKNOLOJIA ZA NISHATI JADIDIFU Wakala wa Nishati Vijijini (REA) katika kipindi cha Mwaka wa Fedha 2014/2015 umepanga kutoa mafunzo ya hadi wiki mbili kwa wajasiriamali wanaoendeleza vyanzo vya umeme unaofuliwa kutokana na nishati jadidifu. Lengo la mafunzo haya ni kuwajengea uwezo mafundi na waendelezaji wa teknolojia za nishati bora waliopo maeneo ya vijijini ili waweze kutoa huduma bora.
May 12 Tenders EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Announcements, Business The Rural Energy Agency (REA) is a Government institution established under the Rural Energy Act, 2005. Its main role is to promote and facilitate access to modern energy services in rural areas of Mainland Tanzania. The Agency is inviting applications from dynamic, energetic and proactive Tanzanians with appropriate technical skills and experience to fill the following vacant positions
May 2 Tenders TENDER №: AE/HQ/008/2013-14/HQ/C/51: DESIGN AND SUPERVISE CONSTRUCTION OF BIOGAS PLANT AT ITAKA JKT Business The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operation of the Rural Energy Agency (REA) during the Financial Year 2013/14. It is intended that part of the funds will be used to cover eligible payments under the contract for provision of consultancy services to design, supervise the construction and commissioning of biogas plant at Itaka JKT in Mbozi District.
April 3 Tenders TENDER № AE/008/2013/14/HQ/C/29: ASSESSING THE IMPACT OF TRAINING AND CAPACITY BUILDING INITIATIVES Business The Rural Energy Agency now invites eligible “firms” to indicate their interest in providing the services which include provision of Consultancy Services to establish the impact of training and capacity building initiatives in promoting awareness and facilitating investment in modern energy services through utilization of available renewable energy technologies for the period from 2008 to 2013.