May 8 Tenders Call For Reviews: SREP Tanzania Investment Plan The Government of Tanzania through the Ministry of Energy and Minerals and its energy related institutions, assisted by the Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) has prepared a draft Investment Plan (IP) which will be used as a proposal to source funds from Scaling Up Renewable Energy Program (SREP) that will enable Tanzania to move towards low gas emission developments.
April 13 News NORWAY YAISAIDIA TANZANIA SHILINGI BILIONI 200 KWA AJILI YA UMEME VIJIJINI Serikali ya Tanzania imekamilisha makubaliano ya fedha za msaada wa Krona milioni 700, sawa na shilingi bilioni 200 za Tanzania, kutoka Serikali ya Norway, kwa ajili ya kupeleka umeme vijijini. Waziri wa Nishati na Madini, Prof. Sospeter Muhongo alisaini mkataba wenye makubaliano hayo, Aprili 9, 2013 Mjini Oslo Norway akiiwakilisha Serikali ya Tanzania, ambapo Serikali ya Norway iliwakilishwa na Waziri wake wa Ushirikiano wa Maendeleo ya Kimataifa, Bw. Heikki Holmas.
January 2 Press Releases TAARIFA KWA VYOMBO VYA HABARI KUFAFANUA KUHUSU MIRADI YA UTAFUTAJI NA UVUNAJI WA GESI ASILIA NCHINI Wizara ya Nishati na Madini inapenda kutoa ufafanuzi wa miradi ya Gesi Asilia ambayo itatekelezwa kwa kushirikiana na wawekezaji katika Sekta ndogo ya Gesi Asilia na kueleza manufaa makubwa yatakayopatikana kwa wananchi wote wa Tanzania wakiwemo wale wa Mikoa ya Mtwara na Lindi.
December 21 Tenders TENDER №: AE/008/2012 - 13/HQ/G/21 Business The Government of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operation of the REA during the Financial Year 2012/13. It is intended that part of the funds will be used to cover eligible payments under the contract for Supply and Installation of Distribution Substations (11/33kV), Medium Voltage Lines, Transformers and Connection of Customers in Unelectrified District Headquarters and other Rural Areas in Tanzania on Turnkey Basis.
September 7 Tenders GENERAL PROCUREMENT NOTICE (GPN) FOR 2012/2013 FINANCIAL YEAR Announcements, Business The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operations of the Rural Energy Agency during the Financial Year 2012/2013. The Rural Energy Agency is now issuing the General Procurement Notice in accordance with the requirements of Public Procurement Act 2004 and its Regulations, 2005 for the purpose of informing Bidders, Suppliers, Service Providers and General Public on tender opportunities during Financial Year 2012/2013 as shown here.
May 16 Tenders RFP: DEVELOPMENT OF BUSINESS MODELS TO SCALE-UP APPLICATION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY The Government of Tanzania has received funds from the World Bank under the TEDAP Off-grid Component. It is intended that part of the funds will be used to cover eligible payments in terms of Matching and Performance Grants for supply, installation and operation of solar PV, small Wind Turbines, hybrid systems, micro and mini-hydropower Plants to supply electricity to isolated rural areas in Mainland Tanzania.
March 11 Tenders RFP: Lighting Rural Tanzania Competition 2012 (LRTC2012) Announcements, Business Lighting Rural Tanzania Competition 2012 (LRTC2012) is a competitive grant program that aims at supporting private enterprises in developing and delivering a wide array of modern lighting products for rural households and businesses. Lighting Rural Tanzania Competition builds upon the base of lighting technologies that exist today, seeking market solutions to provide an array of products with the quality, applications, cost, and configurations needed by the low income market segment.
January 11 Tenders EOI: TENDER №: AE/008/2011-12/HQ/C/71 CONSULTANCY SERVICES TO CARRY OUT FURTHER ASSESSMENT OF WIND RESOURCES IN TANZANIA AND PREPARE PRE-FEASIBILITY STUDIES FOR ELECTRICITY GENERATION AT SELECTED SITE Business The Government of the United Republic of has received a credit from the World Bank towards the cost implementation of the Tanzania Energy Development and Access Expansion Project (TEDAP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this credit for payments under the contract for Provision of Consultancy Services to Carry out further Assessment of Wind Resources in Tanzania and Prepare Pre-feasibility Studies for Electricity Generation at selected sites in Tanzania.